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Level 10
Level 10


Complete these steps in order to integrate MeetingPlace Express with Active Directory (AD):

  1. Log in to Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express.

  2. Choose Administration at the top of the page.

  3. On the left side of the page:
    1. Choose System Configuration.

    2. Choose Usage Configuration.
  4. Configure these fields:
    • Cisco CallManager version Set this field to Cisco Unified CallManager Release 4.x.

    • LDAP URL Set this field:
      • Make sure that this URL starts with ldap, not http. For example, ldap://server-ip-address:port/

      • Make sure that there are no spaces after the URL.
    • Directory username Use the format of an LDAP distinguished name, for example:

      • Password Use the password that was specified during the Cisco Unified CallManager installation.

      • Cisco base

      • User base

      • Directory type      

  5. Click Save.

This is an example:

LDAP URL:  ldap://

Directory username:  cn=Admin Name,cn=Users,dc=company,dc=com

Password:  xxxxxxxx

Cisco base:  ou=Cisco,dc=company,dc=com

User base:  ou=Users, dc=company,dc=com

Directory type:  Active Directory

Refer to these documents for more information:

Note: Field configuration can vary, which depends on your own AD environment.

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