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Level 10


The default hangup delay for ViewMail for Outlook (VMO) is 60 Seconds, which can be modified in the registry.

For VMO 2.x, the modification of the registry in order to tweak the hangup delay is mentioned in the Registry Setting for AvTrapClientConnectionHolderSvr Process section of Release Notes for Cisco Unity Release 2.4(6.161). Values are type DWORD and are in milliseconds. For example, a setting of 5000 equals 5 seconds.

For VMO 4.x and later, the registry is moved to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cisco Systems\Cisco Unity\Media Master. Refer to Release Notes for Cisco Unity ViewMail for Microsoft Outlook Release 4.2(2) for more information about the registry keys that are used by VMO.

Caution: A change in the wrong registry key or an incorrect value entry can cause the server to malfunction. Before the registry is edited, confirm that you know how to restore it if a problem occurs. Refer to the Restoring topics in the Registry Editor Help. Note that a typical backup of the Cisco Unity server does not back up the registry. Also, note that for Cisco Unity failover, registry changes on one Cisco Unity server must be made manually on the other Cisco Unity server, because registry changes are not replicated. For questions about registry key settings changes, contact Cisco Technical Support.

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