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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

In some situations where devices including phones and gateways are registered to different servers within a cluster, the devices registered to one Cisco CallManager are unable to call via devices registered to another Cisco CallManager.


Use the following procedure to troubleshoot this issue.

  1. Check the IP connectivity between the devices that you are attempting to    call.
  2. Study the Route    Plan Report and ensure that the route plan is perfect.
  3. As this problem can also arise due to the inconsistency in the database    between the publisher and subscribers within the cluster, consider resetting    the Cisco CallManager service on the publisher.

    Resetting the Cisco CallManager service on the publisher    re-runs the snapshot agent which syncs the database to all its subscribers    and fixes this problem.

    Note: Resetting the publisher affects all    the devices registered to it. Plan for a scheduled down time and reset the    service.

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