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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

You are using a profile from Cisco Customer Response Applications (CRA) version 2.x. This issue can also occur if the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) profile has been deleted or corrupted or if the profile was not recognized.


To use a profile from CRA 2.x in CRA 3.0, you must convert the old profile using the LDAP conversion tool.

For more information refer to the Cisco CRA 2.x to 3.0 Profile Conversion section of Getting Started with Cisco Customer Response Applications 3.0 (1).

If the issue is not resolved after running convert.bat, the LDAP profile may have been deleted or corrupted if the profile was not recognized. If this is the case, perform these steps:

  1. Rename c:\winnt\system32\ccn\ccndir.ini, and log in to Appadmin using Administrator/ciscocisco.       
  2. Go to Configuration > Repository Configuration, and specify the LDAP host using the IP address. Manually type in the password.    
  3. Click Next, and select the correct profile. If the profile is not there, then there is a problem with LDAP host resolution or password.     
  4. If the profile is selected, click Next. Select Use Different Repository Profile. Click Next.     
  5. Manually type in the LDAP host IP address, and type in the password. Click Next.       
  6. Select the appropriate repository profile, and click Next.     
  7. Make sure you can see the User Maintenance page, and click Update. You should arrive at the Finish screen. Close the browser and reopen the Appadmin page. Log in as the crsadmin.

For more information on resolving Cisco CRA and Customer Response Solutions (CRS), refer to these documents:


Voice Application Errors

The 2.x profile you selected must be converted to 3.0 using the conversion tool

Customer Response Solution (CRS) Version

CRS 3.1

CRS 3.5

CRA 2.x

CRS 3.0

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