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Level 11
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Created by: null on 29-09-2004 01:08:10 PM
In "Getting Started Guide - 4 Dec 2003", page 23, step 6 refers to location to deploy grammar files. Are these files what are referred to as "inline grammars"?

Thanks in advance.

Subject: RE: Installing Gateway Adapters with respect to grammar
Replied by: null on 29-09-2004 09:11:07 PM
No, these are actually external grammars. Let me explain:

Certain Audium elements use Audium-developed grammars to capture the appropriate data. For example the Month element uses an external grammar to capture the month. Audium has created a separate grammar file for each of the browsers that we support, since many use different ASR engines requiring different grammar formats.

These grammar files, however, need to be placed in a location that is "served". So they can't be located in Audium Home, they need to be located somewhere in the application server (or a separate web server). This is why the gateway adapter installer asks for this extra step, its asking for the location to place these grammars. So, for example, if you were using Tomcat, you could place them in TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/ROOT/grammars/ so that in an Audium application to refer to the external grammar you would enter something like "/grammars/month.grxml". The installer updates a file stored in the gateway folder in Audium Home where this grammar location is so that the Audium elements can refer to them without requiring help from the user.

So if you were running multile gateway adapter installers, you would choose the same location in each case because the names of the grammars reflect the name of the browser and so will not overwrite.

One note is that in Call Services (the next release), we have segmented the elements that Audium bundles with to include elements that all use built-in grammars for the browsers. As a result, the standard elements do not use Audium-built grammars and so likely any gateway adapter installers will not have this step in them.

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