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Level 7






This document describes the steps to resolve the login failure after converting LDAP Synchronized user to local user.



On an LDAP synchronized system, After an LDAP Synchronized user is converted to a Local user from Cisco Unified Communications Manager 9.0(1), users will experience login failures from


1) Cisco Unified CM IM & Presence Administration


2) Cisco Unified CM IM & Serviceabilty Administration


3) Cisco Unified Personal Communicator


4) Cisco Jabber


5) Third Party XMPP Clients


6) All externally supported interface that requires user authentication (except PAWS API)




As described in the problem, the user should be


1) Converted from an LDAP Synchronized user to Local user


2) System should be enabled for LDAP Authentication


2) Should be Cisco Unified Communications Manager 9.0(1) release


Steps to resolve the error



Re-sync the user from Active directory.


1) If the user was not deleted from within the same Organisation Unit of Active directory , perform a resync following the below mentioned procedure.


2) If the user was deleted from Active directory, recreate the user with the same details within the same Organisation Unit as before & perform a resync following the below mentioned procedure.


Resolve the problem by performing a manual sync and refer "Perform Full Sync"



Resolve the problem during a scheduled synchronisation


If the issue is non-critical & the system is configured for scheduled re-sync, refer "LDAP Directory Synchronization Schedule"


LDAP Directory Synchronization Schedule



Perform Sync Just Once



If you want to perform synchronization of the data in this LDAP directory with the data in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database only once, check this check box.



Perform a Re-sync Every



If you want to perform synchronization of the data in this LDAP directory with the data in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database at a regular interval, use these fields.


In the left field, enter a number. In the drop-down list box, choose a value:












Cisco Unified Communications Manager can synchronize directory information every 6 hours, which is the minimum value allowed for this field.


Note:- This field remains active only if you do not check the Perform Sync Just Once check box.



Next Re-sync Time

(YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm)


Specify a time to perform the next synchronization of Cisco Unified Communications Manager directory data with this LDAP directory. Use a 24-hour clock to specify the time of day. For example, 1:00 pm equals 13:00.


Related Links

CUCM Ldap directory

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