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Level 11
Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: Adolfo Arizpe on 11-07-2012 05:58:37 PM
Good afternoon
I have 3745s and 3845s running TCL and VXML
We have noticed that nearby 200 concurrent calls 3745s destroys connections and 3845s do the same nearby 300 concurrent calls.
CPUs have never gone over 50%. Is there something I should do about memory or anything to be done to increase that number of concurrent calls?
Memory settings are default values.

Subject: RE: Max call optimization
Replied by: Anusha Kannappan on 06-09-2012 05:14:41 AM
Hi Adolfo,

Sorry for missing out your query as we didn't get the mail alert for the same. With regard to your query about the performance issue for the 2 platforms, I will check our DE team and revert back to you.

Just wanted to keep you informed that 3745 platform has been EOLed.


Subject: RE: Max call optimization
Replied by: Anusha Kannappan on 07-09-2012 12:12:56 AM
Hi Adolfo,

The maximum number of call varies from platform to platform. There is no specific API for controlling the same. As the higher number of concurrent calls requires more memory, we can just  try playing less media so that less memory is being used. But we don't  have any stats to tell what is the number of max call for what type of router.


Subject: RE: Max call optimization
Replied by: Adolfo Arizpe on 30-04-2013 11:07:47 AM
Thanks for your reply.
I wasn't until recently that this subject came up again. I am trying to increase the amount of concurrent calls, but at some point in 300 calls it stops playing some prompts.
I have used the following:
"ivr prompt memory"
"vxml memory tree" 
I have adjusted to see how can I perform better, without positive results
Also, I am running on default memory iomem, is there a setting that would help me do better?
There is very little information about these commands... 
Thanks again!

Subject: RE: Max call optimization
Replied by: Anupam Jain on 30-04-2013 11:19:40 AM
Hi Adolfo,

Have you tried checking the memory and threads on the app server? Recently we were able to resolve a couple of scaling up issues by tweaking config on the Tomcat server that we were using.
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