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Timothy Tesluk
Level 1
Level 1

You’ll first want to export the contact lists via Bulk Administration on the 8.6.4 system:

1.       On Presence Administration, Navigate to Bulk Administration -> Contact List -> Export

2.       Select “All Users in the Cluster” (or whichever is more appropriate for your situation)

3.       Click Find

4.       Click Next

5.       Name the file and choose “Run Immediately”

6.       Navigate to Bulk Administration -> Upload/Download Files

7.       Find the file that you just created and download it

Then, import that .txt we just generated into the 9.x IM&P system:

1.       In IM&P Administration, navigate to Bulk Administration -> Upload/Download Files

2.       Click Add New

3.       Browse to your file, choose target type “Contact Lists”, and Transaction Type “Import Users’ Contacts”

4.       Check the box for “Overwrite File if it exists” if you want to overwrite an existing file with the same name.

5.       Navigate to Bulk Administration -> Contact List -> Update

6.       Select your new file from the list

7.       Select Run Immediately

8.       Click Submit

9.       Navigate to Bulk Administration -> Job Scheduler

10.   Click Find.

11.   Locate the job we just created and monitor it to make sure it completed successfully.

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