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Level 11
Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: David Roberts on 13-02-2013 01:27:44 PM
I have been looking at quite a few CDR's where both origmedia_payloadcapability and dest are both 0 but the duration of the call is several minutes.  According to the doc, that would suggest no media established which seems odd.  I've seen many of them between SIP trunks but also between phones, gateways (h.323, trunks), nothing specific.
any insight?

Subject: RE: No codecs established for non-zero duration calls
Replied by: David Staudt on 19-02-2013 04:00:23 PM
Can't think of anything off the top (call leg that is on Hold, with no MoH configured or connected to an endpoint that doesn't support Cisco-style 'network hold?')  Are there matching CMR records?

How common are these scenarios seen at a specific site?  Across sites..?  What is the complete call flow like?

The final tale would be told in the CallManager service logs...if you need help deciphering, please open a case with CDN Developer Support.
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