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Created by: Vinay Kariyappa on 23-03-2010 05:53:45 PM
Hi ,
How can i handle the call hangup , call transfer and other errors via application , considering CVP should talk to ICM

Subject: Re: New Message from Vinay Kariyappa in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - Gener
Replied by: Janine Graves on 23-03-2010 06:03:40 PM
CVP_Subdialog_return to send the call back to ICM. Use the Caller_input
and FromExtVxml[0]-[3] to return meaningful data to ICM. Such as
'transfer', 'release', 'acct=1234', 'dept=sales' or whatever.

Cisco Developer Community Forums wrote:
> Vinay Kariyappa has created a new message in the forum "General
> Discussion - All Versions":
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Hi ,
> Â
> How can i handle the call hangup , call transfer and other errors via
> application , considering CVP should talk to ICM
> Â
> Thanks
> --
> To respond to this post, please click the following link:
> <>
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Subject: Re: New Message from Vinay Kariyappa in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - Gener
Replied by: Janine Graves on 23-03-2010 07:51:40 PM
You can't catch java exceptions.
For voicexml exceptions, you can use a HotEvent.
For when the caller hangs up, you can use a HotEvent
telephone.disconnect.hangup, but it's not recommended, as then you will
have trouble freeing the VxmlServer license. ICM gets the 'hangup' at
the same time VxmlServer does.

Cisco Developer Community Forums wrote:
> Vinay Kariyappa has created a new message in the forum "General
> Discussion - All Versions":
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> But how can my application sense these events so that i can perform
> the above application
> Â
> Should i use the EndCallInterface to sense this and invoke the
> CVP_Subdialog_return
> --
> To respond to this post, please click the following link:
> <>
> or simply reply to this email.

Subject: RE: Re: New Message from Vinay Kariyappa in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - G
Replied by: Vinay Kariyappa on 23-03-2010 06:09:41 PM
But how can my application sense these events so that i can perform the above application
Should i use the EndCallInterface to sense this and invoke the CVP_Subdialog_return
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