Core Issue
On a Cisco Callmanager 4.1.3 that runs the Backup and Restore System (BARS) 4.0.12, the BARS that worked for some time stops, and the BARS logon page is inaccessible. When this issue occurs, the The following error occurred while trying to retrieve the information for configured servers to backup :-2147467238 error message appears.
In addition, the Cisco CallManager Application log reports this error at the same time:
Source: DCOM
Category: None
Event ID: 10004
DCOM got error "Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password. " and was unable to logon .\BackAdmin in order to run the server: {7B987A77-C72E-485F-9881-1699E3AB7E64}
The BARS creates an NT user BackAdmin. During the BARS install, the user is prompted for a password phrase for Backadmin user a/c. This is not the password but a password phrase that is used in order to create the actual encrypted password. BARS internally stores and uses this password for backup-restore. If the Backadmin user account is in anyway modified, or any upgrade/install/patch that can modify this user occurs, it causes this behavior.
In order to resolve this issue, unistall and reinstall the BARS on the Cisco CallManager server. Refer to BARS Installation and BugID CSCee93253 for more information.