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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

Corporate Directory and other phone services are inaccessible because user authentication does not occur. The user is unable to access the Data Connection (DC) Directory using the default username and password. The user receives the following errors in the event logs:

  • Event ID 7031, The DC Directory Server service terminated unexpectedly.  It has done this 1 time(s). The following corrective action will be taken in 60000 milliseconds: Restart the service.
  • Event ID 7032, The Service Control Manager tried to take a corrective action (Restart the service) after the unexpected termination of the DC Directory Server service, but this action failed with the following error: An instance of the service is already running.
  • Event ID 3, Error: kCtiProviderOpenFailure - CTI application failed to open provider CTIconnectionId: 9514 Login User Id: ac ReasonCode: 2362179683 IPAddress: App ID: Cisco CTIManager Cluster ID: CALLMANAGER-Cluster Node ID: Explanation: Application is unable to open provider.  Recommended Action: Check the reason code and correct the problem. Restart CTIManager if problem persists.
  • Event ID 7114 (Warning), (DSA MAIN BASE(1) Proc 557, Sev 14) The database cannot be initialized because it was terminated abnormally with journaling disabled. The database must be restored from a backup.
  • Event ID 2076 (Information), (BASE MAIN BASE(1) Proc 294, Sev 12) A new segment of Buddy Memory has successfully been added. Pool handle 00000000 (NULL for global pool) Segment size: 1228692 Number of Segments: 2 Total buddy memory: 2457384 Previous free memory: 1228692.


This situation calls for running the DC Directory scripts, which can be downloaded from the Cisco CallManager web site. After downloading the scripts, copy them to all nodes of the Cisco CallManager cluster and also on any Customer Response Application (CRA)/Customer Response Solution (CRS) application servers in use. Use the self-extracting zip executable to install by double clicking on the file. When prompted, acccept the default options.

In this example, the scripts are used to reinitialize the Directory Information Base (DIB) and restore the users. The success of this operation requires good backups. The DC Directory backup program can run while DC Directory is active an on. However, DC Directory must be stopped in order to do a restore. Make periodic backups of the DIB in case of hardware failure or other catastrophic loss. The backup can subsequently be restored to minimize the loss of data. Additionally, if you are about to make large-scale changes to the DIB, it is prudent to make a backup. If a problem occurs, you can then easily go back to the previous version of the data.


The backup process creates a compressed copy of the DIB in a directory you specify on the  hard disk (or a remote network drive), usually called the backup directory. Before performing the backup, it ensure that there is sufficient space on the drive containing the backup directory. Determine the size of the DIB. To do this, type dcdibsiz at a command prompt and press Return. This produces the following output:

Total database size = xxx Mb 

Recommended backup space = xxx Mb

The exact size of the compressed data compared with the original uncompressed data depends on the DIB being backed up. However, the backup is usually close to 80 percent of the size of the original data. To allow for a safety margin, make sure the space available is at least 90 percent of the size of the DIB. This is the method used by issuing the dcdibsiz command to calculate the recommended space. If there is not enough space available, either delete unwanted files, or choose a backup directory on a different drive or volume before proceeding with the backup.

Backup the DIB so there is an available copy in the event of a problem with a physical system or a need to restore previous data. To backup the DIB, issue the following command:

dcbckdib backup <backup_directory>

This command backs up the DIB to the directory indicated in <backup_directory>.  The DATABASE.DAT file is added to this directory. It is strongly recommended that you use a dated directory for storing your backup.

Once the server is stopped, the DIB can be restored. The restore process may take some time, depending on the following factors:

  • The speed of the directory server's processor and hard disk (if the backup directory is on the directory server).
  • Whether the backup directory is on the directory server or on a remote network drive. If it is remote, the process takes longer, since network access is slower than access to a local drive.
  • The size of the directory information base being restored.
  • The number of attributes that are indexed.

To restore the DIB, perform the following steps:

  • Log on as dcdadmin. Stop the DC Directory server.
  • Backup the current DIB contents by typing dcbckdib backup <backup-directory> where <backup-directory> is the name of the backup directory.
  • Type dcbckdib restore <backup-directory> where <backup-directory> is the name of the backup directory whose contents are to be restored.
  • If there is an existing DIB, you will be prompted for confirmation that you wish to destroy it and replace it with the one being restored. This prompts you to confirm that the existing data is to be deleted.
  • Restart the DC Directory server.
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