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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

On the Cisco Unity 4.0(4) server, some services do not start after a power outage. Also, it can take a long time to log on to the Cisco Unity server.

The application event log shows:

Unable to complete Message Queuing Setup.  Hresult -c00e0075h
Message Queuing was able to join the local Windows 2000 domain. Hresult c00e0075h
Unable to initialize the Message Queuing service


In order to resolve this issue, perform these steps to reinstall the Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) services on the Cisco Unity server.

  1. On the Windows Start menu, click Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.

  2. Click Add/Remove Windows Components.

  3. In the Windows Components dialog box, check the Message Queuing Services checkbox.

    Do not change any other items.

  4. Click Next.

  5. In the Message Queuing Type dialog box, click Next.

    Do not change any items.

  6. If the Message Queuing Server dialog box appears, click Message Queuing Will Not Access a Directory Service, and click Next.

  7. If the Windows NT 4.0 Message Queuing Clients dialog box appears, click No, Do Not Change the Permissions, and click Next.

  8. When you are prompted, insert the Windows 2000 Server disc in the CD-ROM drive, and click OK. If the Cisco Unity server was purchased from Cisco, the disc is labeled "Cisco Unity System Disc."

  9. In the Completing the Windows Components Wizard dialog box, click Finish.

  10. Close the Add Remove Programs dialog box and the Control Panel.

Refer to  Cisco Unity Installation Guide (With Microsoft Exchange), Release 4.0(4) for more information.

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