This document was generated from CDN thread
Created by: Jyothi Rao on 17-08-2009 11:15:39 AM
I wish to get the call events for some 10 extensions from the pbx.
Steps :
-> Establish tcp/ip connection
-> Send open request
-> receive open confirmation event.
Correct me, if I am wrong.
1) What does the following parameters mean ?
- peripheral id
- Agent Extension
- Agent ID
- Agent Instrument number
2) should I give an open request for every extension ?
Subject: RE: New Message from Jyothi Rao in CTI Server Protocol (GED-188) - CTI Serv
Replied by: David Lender on 17-08-2009 02:09:30 PM
What you are describing is a bridge mode cti connection, where you will
get all extension on the pbx. You specify in the open request the
services you want. Try using CTITest first to open your connection to
see the events and how the masks work for determining which events to
receive. You dont specify the agent parameters in the open req if you
want a bridge mode connection. Those are used if you are establishing a
session for 1 specific agent. You want a bridge mode connection for all
agents. Peripheral ID is the icm configured id of the peripheral/acd
(e.g. 5000).
If you only want 10 extensions, you will have to create a new tcp/ip
connection and open req for each agent/extension.
Or alternatively, you could use CTIOS and write a filter mode
application specifying only those 10 agents (only 2 filter mode
applications are allowed per CTIOS Server pair).
Subject: RE: New Message from Jyothi Rao in CTI Server Protocol (GED-188) - CTI Serv
Replied by: Jyothi Rao on 18-08-2009 06:42:03 AM
Thanks for your reply.
What is the use of monitor_start and when should we use it ?
If I am giving an open_req in the bridge mode, will I get events which are between extensions ? I mean 'HOLD' , 'TRANSFER' etc ??
If you can provide a sample packet for open_request, please do.