This document was generated from CDN thread Created by: Piotr Sapiejewski on 09-11-2009 02:52:57 PM Hi,I have this code:<?php header("Content-type: text/xml"); echo '<CiscoIPPhoneExecute>'; echo '<ExecuteItem URL="Key:Services" />'; echo '<ExecuteItem URL="Key:Soft1" />'; echo '</CiscoIPPhoneExecute>'; ?> Phone do only first command. Second never do or do to fast. I have try using sleep() but it stops service not one command. What can I do with this?Subject: RE: Push->Execute - what's wrong? Replied by: David Staudt on 09-11-2009 05:24:09 PMWhat is it you're trying to accomplish? CiscoIPPhoneExecute should be used via POST, it looks like you are retrieving it via GET. Also, the order of execution of the ExecuteItems is not guaranteed.Subject: RE: Push->Execute - what's wrong? Replied by: Piotr Sapiejewski on 12-11-2009 12:57:43 PMSo, how should I use it? I don't want to have it on web site, only on url services button. I have tried this one:I have CCX i IPPA Service. I want to make service button to change state status. Link to service: http: //x.x.x.x:xxxx/ipphone/jsp/sciphonexml/IPAgentChangeState.jspReturn: <CiscoIPPhoneText> <Title>Error</Title> <Text>Internal error: Invalid input.</Text> <Prompt /> - <SoftKeyItem> <Name>OK</Name> <URL>http://x.x.x.x:xxxx/ipphone/jsp/sciphonexml/IPAgentInitial.jsp</URL> <Position>1</Position> </SoftKeyItem> </CiscoIPPhoneText>I have tried too:1. in order: - http: //x.x.x.x:xxxx/ipphone/jsp/sciphonexml/IPAgentStates.jsp- http: //x.x.x.x:xxxx/ipphone/jsp/sciphonexml/IPAgentChangeState.jspgives xml error[4] order:- http: //x.x.x.x:xxxx/ipphone/jsp/sciphonexml/IPAgentStates.jsp- SoftKey:Select/Key:Soft1softkey is doing on the main screen not in service (i.E. Redial in exchange of state changing)Subject: RE: Push->Execute - what's wrong? Replied by: David Staudt on 13-11-2009 12:42:12 AMSorry, I'm still not entirely clear on what's going on. Are you trying to configure a line key so that it has a URL that triggers a CCX agent login/logout? I'm not familiar with IPAgentChangeState.jsp (I assume this is something on CCX?) What is its purpose and are there supposed to be any URL parameters..? Where does the CiscoIPPhoneExecute come into this? My best guess is that 'normal' operation of IPAgentChangeState.jsp, is that user presses the URL-assigned line key, gets some sort of input screen and has to press a softkey to login (or logout?) Are you trying to make this a one-touch/toggle..?Subject: RE: Push->Execute - what's wrong? Replied by: Piotr Sapiejewski on 16-11-2009 08:16:51 AMOK. I found answer Check this: Ready: