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Level 11
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Created by: Mert Yeter on 18-04-2013 07:56:42 AM
We're developing a custom application with CTIOS Toolkit and UCCE 9.0.1. Here is the scenario:
Customer comes to an agent from IVR menu, and agent sends customer back to IVR for an operation (like setting a password). We want to send that customer to same agent after operation is done.
Is is possible to catch an special event like OnQueryAgentStateConf when agent state queried from ICM to set its state to available?

Subject: RE: New Message from Mert Yeter in Computer Telephony Integration Object Se
Replied by: Jason Williams on 18-04-2013 08:20:28 AM
The answer to the issue is for the agent to conference the caller into the IVR for further validation and monitor the call, The IVR performs it’s activity and then drops the call. At this point the conference is removed.

From: Cisco Developer Community Forums []
Sent: 18 April 2013 14:00
Subject: New Message from Mert Yeter in Computer Telephony Integration Object Server (CTIOS) Toolkit - CTIOS Toolkit Questions: QueryAgentState Event

Mert Yeter has created a new message in the forum "CTIOS Toolkit Questions": -------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, We're developing a custom application with CTIOS Toolkit and UCCE 9.0.1. Here is the scenario:

Customer comes to an agent from IVR menu, and agent sends customer back to IVR for an operation (like setting a password). We want to send that customer to same agent after operation is done.

Is is possible to catch an special event like OnQueryAgentStateConf when agent state queried from ICM to set its state to available?
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Subject: RE: New Message from Mert Yeter in Computer Telephony Integration Object Se
Replied by: David Lender on 18-04-2013 10:31:15 AM
Theres no way to do this with CTIOS.  You might be able to do it with ICM scripting by updating the callvariable information for the call with the agentID that first handled the call, but ICM scripting is outside the scope of this forum.  I suggest you post your scenario in the Contact Center forums here
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