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Level 5
Level 5
  1. Is it possible to place an outbound call from the agent side in REM?
  2. Is it possible to change the caller id (the long random string starting with "assist") which is seen on the agent side as calling number?
  3. Do we support adding another root account other than 'root' account, making 'root' account invalid?
  4. Why can’t I run REM on IE?
  5. How do I place an outbound call from agent side in REM?
  6. Is it possible to change the caller ID?
  7. Is CORS supported?
  8. What is H.264 & VP8 video?
  9. What is WebRTC?
  10. How do I colect logs for Cisco REM
  11. What specific ports need to be opened for an Enterprise?

QIs it possible to place an outbound call from the agent side in REM?

AIt is not possible to call out to consumer devices with REM 10.6. The advanced SDK in REM 11 will allow customers to receive calls on iOS/Android and in browsers. There is no plan to support V&V call handling from the REM Finesse Gadget.

QIs it possible to change the caller id (the long random string starting with "assist") which is seen on the agent side as calling number?

AIt is not possible to change the caller ID seen on the agent side. In REM 11.0 this 'assist-XX...X' callerID will not be displayed.

QDo we support adding another root account other than 'root' account, making 'root' account invalid?

ACurrently this option is not available. In REM 11.0.x the install will only be possible as non-root user.

QWhy can’t I run REM on IE?

AMicrosoft has released a cumulative security update for Internet Explorer (KB3058515), which appears to require higher privileges in order to install Cisco Remote Expert Mobile IE Plugin. The user is prompted to download and install the plugin but the installation never completes. If you launch the browser developer console you will see the message "Waiting for BHO" being displayed repeatedly. Workaround: Ensure Internet Explorer is run as an administrator. From the Start Menu right click on "Internet Explorer" and choose "Run as Administrator" from the drop-down menu. The plugin should install.

QHow do I place an outbound call from agent side in REM?

AIt is not possible to call out to consumer devices with REM 10.6. The advanced SDK in REM 11 will allow customer's to receive calls on iOS/Android and in browsers. There is no plan to support V&V call handling from the REM Finesse Gadget.

QIs it possible to change the caller ID?

AIt is not possible to change the caller ID seen on the agent side. In REM 11.0 this 'assist-XX...X' callerID will not be displayed.

QIs CORS supported?

ACORS is supported by using the allowedOrigins key in the JSON request made on the /gateway/sessions/session interface to obtain a session ID. The value of allowedOrigins is a comma separated list that represents the origins from which cross realm JavaScript calls are permitted. If null or empty, there will be no restriction. For security reasons the JSON request should be made from a server side application that can authenticate the client. For instance a server app could use php to request the session token and pass it into the JavaScript side of the app.

QWhat is H.264 & VP8 video?

ACurrently two video codecs ("coder-decoder") dominate the communications industry for video conferencing: H.264 and VP8.  Both video technologies support high-definition real-time communications and power services such as Apple’s Face Time (H.264) and Google Hangouts (VP8).

QWhat is WebRTC?

AWebRTC is a standards-based approach to enabling real time communications through a common set of APIs.  These APIs were created as part of HTML5 and meant to be simple for web developers to embed communications within their web sites and applications without knowing the complexities of Voice over IP.

QHow do I colect logs for Cisco REM

ATo capture a failure scenario you can use the logcapture script. If you are running in a HA environment it maybe easier to stop REAS2 and REMB2 and switch to a single REM and single MB to reduce the amount log logs to collect, then run:

AOn REAS1: /opt/cisco//REAS/bin/ -c -p -f /root/reas1-logs-tar

AOn MB1: /opt/cisco//CSDK/media_broker/ -c -p -f /root/mb1-logs.tar

QWhat specific ports need to be opened for an Enterprise?

AOnly 2 types of ports are required on the external firewall into the DMZ depending on the application requirements.

ASignaling Protocol: HTTP/HTTPS (80/443) – The firewall routes all traffic received on port 443 (secure) or 80 (un-encrypted) to the HTTP reverse proxy in the DMZ

AMedia Protocol: sRTP/DTLS (16000 - 16004/default) – The firewall needs 5 ports (by default) open to handle all sRTP (and DTLS) traffic from the WebRTC clients. The RTP and RTCP traffic are both handled on the same port. The firewall will forward any traffic received on the port to the media broker instance specific for that interface. Note: Each Media Broker in the DMZ requires its own unique interface/port assigned on the firewall.

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