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Level 11
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Created by: Marios Maltezis on 03-11-2009 04:37:48 PM

As i can see in the Video Compositor 1.1.0 in the API output I'm getting every command I'm sending plus the response from the C90 plu some feedback concerning the status of video layout, frames and other info as well.
I'm trying to capture somehow this extra feedback(which is in XML).
I guess that they are stored somewhere but  i can't find where.
Could you please guide me how to get that data so i can have all the important info and do whatever i want with it from there?

I'm attaching a photo so i can give you a visual idea to what I'm referring to.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.


Subject: RE: Retrieving feedback from C90
Replied by: David Bruun-Lie on 04-11-2009 01:15:12 PM
what type of connection will you be using in your project? ssh, telnet or http(s)

The status messages you see is because the application has registered so called feedback expressions (notifications of changes).

using ssh or telnet you would issue the following commands when you connect your application to the codec:

2xFeedback Register "Status/Video/Layout/"

Your application will then get all changes on the video layouts

If you are  using http please let me know, that is slightly different.


Subject: RE: Retrieving feedback from C90
Replied by: Marios Maltezis on 04-11-2009 01:58:59 PM
Many thanks for your super fast answer.

I'm using Telnet connection and of course the command you suggested worked as it supposed.
I have a question though. I'm using TANDBERG Codec C90 System Integrator Guide (TC2.0)  and the only thing i can find is how you can register and deregister the feedback. While i was doing some tests using the command you suggested i noticed that only if i register Status i will get some feedback. What are the other two options (Video/Layout) for?
To be more specific I'm trying to figure what videosourceid has every video stream from every participant in a call.
If you can show me the way to this i will really appreciate it.

Best Regards,


Subject: RE: Retrieving feedback from C90
Replied by: David Bruun-Lie on 04-11-2009 04:25:21 PM
Marios Maltezis:
Many thanks for your super fast answer.

No prob

Marios Maltezis:

I'm using Telnet connection and of course the command you suggested worked as it supposed.
I have a question though. I'm using TANDBERG Codec C90 System Integrator Guide (TC2.0)  and the only thing i can find is how you can register and deregister the feedback. While i was doing some tests using the command you suggested i noticed that only if i register Status i will get some feedback. What are the other two options (Video/Layout) for?

We are actually soon going to publish a document describing advanced usage of the API where the feedback mechanism is a part of this.
If you register "xFeedback register status" you will get ALL status changes on codec. This is discouraged as this can be quite a lot - and at least for Crestron it will flood the control system with feedback messages.
If you register "xFeedback register status/Video"  you will get only feedback messages on status changes that are under the Video sub part of xStatus. Registering "xFeedback register status/Video/Layout" instead will narrow down the feedback even more.
You can currently register 13 expressions to listen to feedback on.

Marios Maltezis:

To be more specific I'm trying to figure what videosourceid has every video stream from every participant in a call.
If you can show me the way to this i will really appreciate it.

If you issue the command "xstatus Video Layout" you get a list of all frames for all outputs for all sites. Site 1 is the local outputs where you have output 1-5. E.g.:
*s Video Layout Site 1 Output 4 Frame 2 VideoSourceId: 1
means that the local Site (1) has the inputVideoSource 1 showing in the 2nd frame on local output no 4.

*s Video Layout Site 1 Output 1 Frame 1 VideoSourceType: "site"
*s Video Layout Site 1 Output 1 Frame 1 VideoSourceId: 140
means that local site is displaying the (remote) "site" with CallId:140 on output 1 in frame 1

Hope this helps a bit,
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