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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

If any of these conditions apply, ensure that the correct Cisco IOS  Software features are installed:

  • The ouput of the show version Cisco IOS Software command on the router and gateway does not list the installed voice hardware.
  • The output of the show diag Cisco IOS Software command does not specify the voice module and Voice Interface Card (VIC) name, but instead lists the unknown module or unknown card.


You must have the Cisco IOS Software Plus feature set (noted by the -s- in the Flash image name).

If the correct Cisco IOS Software features are installed and the module is still not recognized, ensure that the card and module are correctly seated in the slot.

Perform these steps:

  1. Save the configuration.
  2. Power off the router.
  3. Reseat the VIC in the network module (depending on your platform).
  4. Reseat the module (VIC or NM-2V) in the router slot.
  5. Restart the router and verify that the orange LED light goes off.
  6. To determine if the hardware is identified, reissue the show version and show diag commands.

For more information, refer to these documents:

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