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Created by: Marios Maltezis on 30-06-2010 03:35:29 PM

I'm trying to send both my cameras (from my C90) replacing the default option, which is to send the first camera, to all participants.
I have created 3 Layouts, one for each camera and one for both cameras.
Ideally i would like to choose one of the three Layouts during a call.
The problem is that if i assign a layout to a call, all participants will loose the rest of the participants of this call.
Could you please suggest a way to implement this other than assigning a layout to a call?(if there is one)

Is there a way to change the video stream i'm sending in a call without interfering anything else than the stream itself ?

Best Regards,


Subject: RE: Sending 2 cameras in a multicall
Replied by: Marios Maltezis on 20-07-2010 12:17:30 PM
Hi again,

I find very difficult that nobody from all of you masters in Tandberg systems cannot answer this question.
I will really appreciate any assistance.

Many thanks,


Subject: RE: Sending 2 cameras in a multicall
Replied by: David Bruun-Lie on 20-07-2010 12:33:30 PM
Hi Marios,

Marios Maltezis:
The problem is that if i assign a layout to a call, all participants will loose the rest of the participants of this call.

could you please explain a bit closer what you mean by this?


Subject: RE: Sending 2 cameras in a multicall
Replied by: Marios Maltezis on 20-07-2010 01:38:11 PM

Many thanks for your response.
Normally in a 4 participants call every participant sees 3 small windows with each participant in each window.(default state)
I would like to change only the window with me inside and not mess with the rest windows.
If i assign a layout to a call then the participant with this callId will only see me and no other participant (window).
Is there a way to avoid this ? I hope this makes sense.


Subject: RE: Sending 2 cameras in a multicall
Replied by: David Bruun-Lie on 20-07-2010 02:09:58 PM
Ah, get it.

No, when you use the video compositor you are changing the whole content of what a remote site will see. Please read the  howto-guide if you haven't already read it.

But for your example, here's a way to do it (using your main source + input 2 as secondary camera source):

1xcommand Video Layout Add layoutid:1
2xcommand Video Layout Frame Add FrameId: 1 layoutid:1 positionx:0 positiony:2500 width:3700 height:3700 layer:1 border: off videosourcetype:localmain videosourceId:1
3xcommand Video Layout Frame Add FrameId: 2 layoutid:1 positionx:3701 positiony:2500 width:3700 height:3700 layer:2 border: off videosourcetype:localinput videosourceId:2
4xcommand Video Layout Frame Add FrameId: 3 layoutid:1 positionx:7500 positiony:2500 width:2500 height:2500 layer:3 border: off videosourcetype:othermain videosourceId:1
5xcommand Video Layout Frame Add FrameId: 4 layoutid:1 positionx:7500 positiony:5005 width:2500 height:2500 layer:4 border: off videosourcetype:othermain videosourceId:1
6xcommand Video Layout AssignCall LayoutId: 1

line 1 creates a new layout
line 2 adds your main source as content to the new layout
line 3 adds input source 2 as second content to the new layout
line 4 adds a remote sites main stream as content to the new layout
line 5 adds a second remote sites main stream as content to the new layout just below the 1st one
line 6 assigns this layout to all the remote sites -they will all see your two cameras but they will see different remote sites (not seing themselves)



Subject: RE: Sending 2 cameras in a multicall
Replied by: Marios Maltezis on 26-07-2010 03:36:12 PM
Hi David,

I followed your instructions and here are the layouts i came up.

xCommand Video Layout Add LayoutId:1
xcommand Video Layout Frame Add FrameId: 1 LayoutId:1 PositionX:0 PositionY:0  Width:10000 Height:10000 Layer:1 Border:off VideoSourceType:localInput VideoSourceId:1
xCommand Video Layout Add LayoutId:2
xcommand Video Layout Frame Add FrameId: 1 LayoutId:2 PositionX:0 PositionY:0  Width:10000 Height:10000 Layer:1 Border:off VideoSourceType:localInput VideoSourceId:2
xCommand Video Layout Add LayoutId:3
xcommand Video Layout Frame Add FrameId: 1 LayoutId:3 PositionX:0 PositionY:2500  Width:5000 Height:5000 Layer:1 Border:off VideoSourceType:localInput VideoSourceId:1
xcommand Video Layout Frame Add FrameId: 2 LayoutId:3 PositionX:5000 PositionY:2500  Width:5000 Height:5000 Layer:2 Border:off VideoSourceType:localInput VideoSourceId:2
xCommand Video Layout Add LayoutId:4
xcommand Video Layout Frame Add FrameId: 1 LayoutId:4 PositionX:0 PositionY:2500  Width:5000 Height:5000 Layer:1 Border:off VideoSourceType:localMain VideoSourceId:1
xcommand Video Layout Frame Add FrameId: 2 LayoutId:4 PositionX:5000 PositionY:2500  Width:5000 Height:5000 Layer:2 Border:off VideoSourceType:othermain VideoSourceId:1
xCommand Video Layout Add LayoutId:5
xcommand Video Layout Frame Add FrameId: 1 LayoutId:5 PositionX:0 PositionY:2500  Width:5000 Height:5000 Layer:1 Border:off VideoSourceType:localinput VideoSourceId:2
xcommand Video Layout Frame Add FrameId: 2 LayoutId:5 PositionX:5000 PositionY:2500  Width:5000 Height:5000 Layer:2 Border:off VideoSourceType:othermain VideoSourceId:1
xCommand Video Layout Add LayoutId:6
xcommand Video Layout Frame Add FrameId: 1 LayoutId:6 PositionX:0 PositionY:0  Width:5000 Height:5000 Layer:1 Border:off VideoSourceType:localMain VideoSourceId:1
xcommand Video Layout Frame Add FrameId: 2 LayoutId:6 PositionX:5000 PositionY:0  Width:5000 Height:5000 Layer:2 Border:off VideoSourceType:localInput VideoSourceId:2
xcommand Video Layout Frame Add FrameId: 3 LayoutId:6 PositionX:0 PositionY:5000  Width:5000 Height:5000 Layer:3 Border:off VideoSourceType:othermain VideoSourceId:1
xCommand Video Layout Add LayoutId:7
xcommand Video Layout Frame Add FrameId: 1 LayoutId:7 PositionX:0 PositionY:0  Width:5000 Height:5000 Layer:1 Border:off VideoSourceType:localMain VideoSourceId:1
xcommand Video Layout Frame Add FrameId: 2 LayoutId:7 PositionX:5000 PositionY:0  Width:5000 Height:5000 Layer:2 Border:off VideoSourceType:othermain VideoSourceId:1
xcommand Video Layout Frame Add FrameId: 3 LayoutId:7 PositionX:0 PositionY:5000  Width:5000 Height:5000 Layer:3 Border:off VideoSourceType:othermain VideoSourceId:1
xCommand Video Layout Add LayoutId:8
xcommand Video Layout Frame Add FrameId: 1 LayoutId:8 PositionX:0 PositionY:0  Width:5000 Height:5000 Layer:1 Border:off VideoSourceType:localinput VideoSourceId:2
xcommand Video Layout Frame Add FrameId: 2 LayoutId:8 PositionX:5000 PositionY:0  Width:5000 Height:5000 Layer:2 Border:off VideoSourceType:othermain VideoSourceId:1
xcommand Video Layout Frame Add FrameId: 3 LayoutId:8 PositionX:0 PositionY:5000  Width:5000 Height:5000 Layer:3 Border:off VideoSourceType:othermain VideoSourceId:1
xCommand Video Layout Add LayoutId:9
xcommand Video Layout Frame Add FrameId: 1 LayoutId:9 PositionX:0 PositionY:0  Width:5000 Height:5000 Layer:1 Border:off VideoSourceType:localMain VideoSourceId:1
xcommand Video Layout Frame Add FrameId: 2 LayoutId:9 PositionX:5000 PositionY:0  Width:5000 Height:5000 Layer:2 Border:off VideoSourceType:localInput VideoSourceId:2
xcommand Video Layout Frame Add FrameId: 3 LayoutId:9 PositionX:0 PositionY:5000  Width:5000 Height:5000 Layer:3 Border:off VideoSourceType:othermain VideoSourceId:1
xcommand Video Layout Frame Add FrameId: 4 LayoutId:9 PositionX:5000 PositionY:5000  Width:5000 Height:5000 Layer:4 Border:off VideoSourceType:othermain VideoSourceId:1

It seems that I'm doing something wrong (or there is something wrong with the C90 algorithm).
The problem is that i'm showing one of my cameras more than one time.
For example if I'm in a call with 3 participants and i'm choosing layout 5, i'm showing to the other end two frames with my second(left) camera, even though I'm declaring that I'm using the left frame for my second camera and the right frame for the other participant's main camera.

Please advice what am i doing wrong.

Best Regards,


Subject: RE: Sending 2 cameras in a multicall
Replied by: Marios Maltezis on 03-08-2010 04:24:38 PM
Hi David,

The solution you suggested is not working correctly and i'm afraid that i'm doing something wrong here.
What i mean is that i have created the above layouts in order to cover all possibilities (how many participants and what should they see in each case). The problem is when i'm in a multicall. I believe most of the times the system "thinks" that my second camera is one of the "othermain" videosourcetypes and as a result other participants see my camera more than once.

Please let me know if you have noticed such behavior before.

Best Regards,


Subject: RE: Sending 2 cameras in a multicall
Replied by: Marios Maltezis on 16-09-2010 08:46:44 AM
Hi all,

Is there any chance you might have a solution to the above problem?

Many thanks in advance,

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