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Level 11
Level 11
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Created by: RICHARD FOLTZ on 08-09-2011 05:06:53 PM
I saw a demo awhile back while in Boxborough where they inserted a SocialMiner Gadget into the Finesse Desktop. Is there a integration guide available to describe the process for getting this done?

Subject: RE: SocialMiner Gadget in Finesse
Replied by: Theodore Phipps on 09-09-2011 01:10:09 PM
We don't have a specific guide, but let me walk you through it here:

1) First, you will need a gadget that that includes a URL to a SocialMiner Instance.  I choose to do this for simplicity as opposed to adding a gadget direct from SocialMiner.

I created a gadget called "SocialMiner.xml" with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
title="SocialMiner Campaigns" height="425" scrolling="true">
<Content type="url" href="" />

2) This gadget would work for any web page.  Simply set the URL, set the height and gadget title, and you're ready

3) next, edit the Finesse layout file.  Instructions should be in the Admin guide.  I edit the layout file from /opt/cisco/desktop/conf/desktop and put this gadget reference in the file:

4) Next, I restart Finesse using " "Cisco Tomcat" restart"

5) I am able to see SocialMiner gadgets after logging in.

Some functionality that will be coming in the future that will change this process:
1) We will have a gadget to upload the layout file so you don't need to find it on the box
2) We will be adding cookie support to save the password to SocialMiner. Until we have that feature, you will need to log into SocialMiner every time.

Hope that helps!

Subject: RE: SocialMiner Gadget in Finesse
Replied by: Manoj Varghese on 08-04-2013 03:51:08 PM
Did you add "SocialMiner.xml" file into Finesse Server? How did you make this xml file accesable from desktop layout xml file. I can't see any option to upload an xml file into Finesse.

Subject: RE: SocialMiner Gadget in Finesse
Replied by: David Lender on 08-04-2013 04:10:08 PM
The original response referred to older version of Finesse where you had to upload the desktop layout and where you had root access to add gadgets.  Now you edit the xml layout directly  to add your gadget, which can be hosted either on the Finesse server (see the Finesse Web Services Develooer Guide Chapter 10 on 3rdparty gadgets.) or can be hosted on your own web server.  Either way, you add the gadget to the desktop gadget layout using the Administrator desktop and specify the following type of xml:  <gadget>http://<serverip>/<location>/SocialMiner.xml</gadget>
Claudio Costa
Level 1
Level 1


I'm performing a Social Miner gadget in Finesse (all in the last release - at moment). But unfortunately the Social Miner gadget isn't working well because I'm using the IE 11 in compatibility view due Cisco Interaction Manager gadget working only in this mode.

Can you help to do cisco social miner gadget works. It's possible open only the socialminer result gadget instead the all page.


Claudio Costa

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