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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

In Cisco Unity 4.x  within the SA, on Profile page, the play button is pressed to hear the recorded profile, but does not ring the phone configured in the options settings. Consequently recorded profiles (or greetings) can not be heard. In System > Ports, TRaP settings are checked for each port.


In order to resolve this issue, assign TRaP Connection to the least busy ports, which typically are those with the highest port numbers for the phone system. As a general guideline, set Message Notification, Dialout MWI, and TRAP Connection on approximately 25 percent of the ports.

Also it is recommended to make sure that Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) is enabled correctly on Cisco Unity:

  1. Run DCOMCNFG from a command prompt.

  2. Choose No for all of the DCOM Configuration Warnings.

  3. Choose Default Properties once the Distributed COM Configuration Properties box appears.

  4. Check Enable Distributed COM on this computer.

  5.   Under Default Distributed COM communication properties, choose CONNECT for Default Authentication Level and IDENTIFY for Default Impersonation Level.

  6.   Click OK.

  7.   Reboot the machine.

Refer to these documents for more information:

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