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The CallBridge, Scheduler and WebBridge services are running in the same node Cisco Meeting Server but instead of a multi-SAN certificate, I used separate certificates for each services and different CA Servers.
1.    The CallBridge service should use the CA-1 Server to sign the CallBridge certificate called CALLBRIDGE.cer.
2.    The WebBridge service should use the CA-2 Server to sign the WebBridge certificate called WEBBRIDGE.cer.
3.    The CallBridge must use the subordinate CA generated from CA-1 Server.
4.    The WebBridge must use the subordinate CA generated from CA-2 Server.
5.    Create a Bundle CA Called CB-Bundle.cer for CallBridge service using the Subordinate CA and Root certificate of CA-1 server.
6.    Create a Bundle CA called WB-C2W-Bundle.cer for WebBridge service using the Subordinate CA and Root certificate of CA-2 server.
7.    Create a certificate chain called WEBBRIDGE-CHAIN.cer for WebBridge3 using the previous subordinate CA, the Root certificate of CA-2 server and the WebBridge certificate.
8.    Make sure that the CallBridge service will trust only the WebBridge certificate chain signed by only the certificate WB-C2W-Bundle.cer.
9.    Make sure that the WebBridge service will trust only the CallBridge's certificate signed by only the certificate CB-Bundle.cer. 
10. Enable the Scheduler, Since the Scheduler is required to run on a server which also has a colocated Callbridge, it is possible to use the Callbridge certificate and C2W trust cert for the Scheduler service, but a chain certificate is required for Scheduler, therefore bundle the certificates CALLBRIDGE.cer and CB-Bundle.cer used previously for CallBridge to create chain certificate SCHEDULER-CHAIN.cer.



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