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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

The Call Detail Record (CDR) configurations in Cisco CallManager are responsible for the generation of the records.


To resolve this issue, perform these steps:

  1. Verify that CDR is enabled on all of the Cisco CallManager servers in the cluster. Go to the CCMAdmin page > Service > Service Parameters. Select one of these servers and select the appropriate services:  

    • Cisco CallManager Service Parameters:      

      • CdrEnabled = True          

      • CdrLogCallsWithZeroDurationFlag = True          

      • CDR File Time Interval(min)*=1
    • DBL Service Parameter:      

      • Max CDR Records = 1500000
  2. Verify these settings under CCMAdmin page > System > Enterprise Parameter:  

    • Local CDR Path = C:\Program Files\Cisco\CallDetail CDR UNC Path = \\\CDR. Make sure that this is pointed to the publisher on all the servers.      

    • Off Cluster CDR DSN = CDR Format = CDRs will be inserted into database CDR File Time Interval (min) = 1 T
  3. Verify that the Database Layer (DBL) Monitor and the Cisco Real-Time Information Server (RIS) Data Collector services are running on all servers. However, Cisco CDR Insert Service should run only on the publisher.

If these steps do not resolves the issue, restart the DBL monitor and CDR Insert Service.

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