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Level 10
Level 10


In the Call Session Control Platform (CSCP) system, no independent process cleans expired registrations. Expired registrations delete from the database because of these two different scenarios:


  • The subscriber is removed from the CSCP database.
  • The registrar, one of the functions of the SE, removes all of the expired registrations when a subscriber sends in a registration.


This allows the system to retain expired registrations for an active subscriber that does not currently use the ready link service. The reasons for this include:

  The subscriber intentionally turns off the push-to-talk (PTT) service.

  The subscriber improperly de-registers and is not currently in a coverage area.

The trend for this actually differs with the type of service provided.

For example, pre-paid or part-time services more often have expired registrations in the database because they are considered active but the services can be unused for a period of time.

For more informationm refer to the document The effects on performance of old registration data entries in the registrationinfo table of the Dynamicsoft Service Agent to know about the performance.

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