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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

This error message can indicate a software or hardware problem with the conferencing resources. It can appear if you do not have the proper media resource group list configured in your phone template.


In order to resolve this issue, make sure that the Media Resource Group (MRG) and Lists (MRGL) are configured properly. If not, complete these steps:

  1. Configure the MRG and MRGLs on the device pool. Refer to Understand Media Resource Groups and Group Lists for more information on this procedure.

  2. Reset the Conference Bridge (CFB) Choose Service > Media Resource > Conference Bridge. Click the Conference Bridge, and click Reset.

  3. Reset the phones Choose Device > Phone. Click the phone to be reset, and click Reset Phone.

  4. If a profile error occurs in the output of the show sccp all command, such as TCP LInk Status: NOT_CONNECTED, issue the associate profile command in order to associate with the digital signal processor (DSP) farm profile.

Refer to these documents:

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