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Level 10
Level 10


In order to store application-specific information in an LDAP directory, Cisco Unified CallManager 4.x adopts an approach that is valid both when the embedded directory is used and when integrated with a corporate directory.

Cisco Unified CallManager utilizes a subset of the Cisco registered object identifies (OIDs) when it extends the schema. The OID values are 1.2.840.113548.3.1.4.xx for attributes and 1.2.840.113548.3.2.4.xx for object classes.

Because different directory vendors typically use different user object models with several additional, nonstandard attributes, Cisco Unified CallManager 4.x uses only the standard LDAPv3 core attributes from the user object. The user object is then augmented with an auxiliary class, ciscoocUser, which contains these attributes:

  • ciscoatGUID This attribute uniquely identifies a user within the directory.

  • ciscoatUserProfile This attribute is used by earlier versions of Cisco Unified CallManager 4.x and other applications. It is still present for backward compatibility.

  • ciscoatUserProfileString This attribute is a distinguished name pointer to another object in the directory, which contains the application-specific profile of the user. This approach minimizes the impact on the core user object, and all the application-specific information can be stored in a separate organizational unit (OU) within the directory, usually called the Cisco subtree, CISCOBASE, or Cisco Directory Information Tree (DIT).

Refer to these documents for details about the attributes:

Note: Before the integration is stared, ensure that the directory team of the organization is involved in the planning, design, and implementation phases.

Problem Type

Call control software  (CallManager, CallManager Express, ICS7750, SRST, SS7 call agents)

Voice applications  (CRS, PA, CCM Plugins, CER, CCC, MeetingPlace, etc.)

Call Control


LDAP Directory

Active directory

Voice Applications

IP contact center (IPCC) express

Personal Assistant (PA)

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