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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

Replication between the two TimesTen Data Authority Servers (TTDAS) instances within one site is down for a long period of time. As a result, this error is generated when replication is re-started:

sip@POP # cd /opt/TimesTen/5_0_30/bin
sip@POP # ./ttAdmin -repPolicy manual POP_0
*** [TimesTen][TimesTen 5.0.30 ODBC Driver][TimesTen]TT8025: Replication Log Threshold limit reached at
master. Replication state for this data store is changed to FAILED state. -- file "db.c", lineno 8567,
procedure "sbDbConnect()"
*** ODBC Warning = S1000, TimesTen Warning = 8025

*** [TimesTen][TimesTen 5.0.30 ODBC Driver][TimesTen]TT8025: Replication Log Threshold limit reached at
master. Replication state for this data store is changed to FAILED state. -- file "db.c", lineno 8567,
procedure "sbDbConnect()"
*** ODBC Warning = S1000, TimesTen Warning = 8025

RAM Residence Policy            : inUse
Replication Agent Policy        : manual
Replication Manually Started    : False


To copy over the TTDAS instance within the same site to ensure that there are no discrepancies, navigate as sip user to the directory where TTDAS is installed and execute the ./duplicatepeer.bsh script, as shown in this example:

$ cd /opt/dynamicsoft/dsProducts/TTDAS/
Duplicating Schema/Data from peer node
Preparing to:
  -- stop replication to/from the peer node ,
  -- destroy the local database ,
  -- and duplicate the schema/data in the peer node:
       -- from DSN
       -- on HOST
       -- to local DSN
       -- on HOST
       -- of the local DB
ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO PROCEED (Y/N)? [N]  hit Y ("Y" must be capitalized)
     RAM Residence Policy            : inUse
     Replication Agent Policy        : manual
     Replication Manually Started    : False
     Oracle Agent Policy             : manual
     Oracle Agent Manually Started   : False
(If it complains about not being able to stop replication, that is fine, hit Y to continue)
(Some time will pass while it copies over the database)
When it asks to start replication daemon, enter Y
Now Replication is done (it might display the Replication Status here)
RAM Residence Policy            : inUse
Replication Agent Policy        : manual
Replication Manually Started    : True
Oracle Agent Policy             : manual
Oracle Agent Manually Started   : False
Processing completed.
Getting Started

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