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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

These are among the possible causes for this problem:   

  • The Cisco Emergency Responder server may not be running.
  • The phone tracking process may be running.
  • There may be a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) failure.


You cannot delete a switch when a phone tracking process is in progress. Retry the deletion after the process has ended. If this is not the problem, the Cisco Emergency Responder server might not be running. Check the control center and restart the server. Refer to Troubleshooting Phones in Cisco Emergency Responder

If the problem persists, there might have been an LDAP failure the last time      you tried to update the switch configuration information in Cisco Emergency Responder. Try updating      the switch information again (for example, by changing the notes). If the update is successful, you should be able to delete the switch from the Cisco Emergency Responder configuration.

For more details on resolving Cisco Emergency Responder issues, refer to these documents:


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