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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


When logging an agent into Finesse, you receive the following message in the "Signing In..." step of Finesse login: "Sign In Error: The device associated with that extension or dial number is invalid."

You will see the corresponding message in CAD: "Login failed due to a configuration error with your phone and jtapi or unified CM."


1. Check if the IPCC Extension is unique and not shared. To check this, login to CUCM and check the IPCC DN under Call Routing --> Route Plan Report.

While technically unsupported, you typically won't experience agent login issues if you have an IPCC extension shared on multiple devices if you only have ONE of those devices associated to the RMCM and FIPPA application users. If you have more than one of these devices associated to the RMCM and FIPPA application users, you will definitely have login problems and you should follow this procedure to eliminate this as a cause for the login problem:

If the IPCC extension is shared on two devices that are associated with the RMCM and the FIPPA application users, then you must not just remove the IPCC extension from the shared device. You must also remove the device from the RMCM and FIPPA application users. You can also delete the device you do not wish to use from CUCM. This will remove the phone control from the application users.

Important Notes: You will only have a FIPPA application user if you are using the Finesse IP Phone Agent (FIPPA). From this point on, I will only reference the RMCM user. It is assumed that any phone association to the RMCM user is made to the FIPPA user as well. The CUCM RMCM user is created by UCCX during the post install process. Any changes to the RMCM username or password must be done on UCCX.

2. Ensure that there is only one instance on the step 1. The IPCC extension should not be a part of line group or shared (though they exist in different partitions).

3. Check if the agents are using physical Phones or Extension Mobility (EM) to login to CAD/Finesse. If they are using EM, then ensure that the IPCC Extension is associated with the EM User Device Profile (UDP) and not to the physical Phone. The EM profile needs to be associated with the RMCM user and not the physical Phone.       


4. Ensure that the phone or UDP contains the Common Device Configuration set to IPV4 only. If not, create a new CDC configuration for UCCX Agents with IPV4 only and associate that with the Agent phones.

5. Ensure that the Phone/UDP is associated with the RMCM user.

6. Ensure that the IPCC Extension is present in the first 4 lines of the phone/UDP.

7. Check for the supported phones with CAD and Finesse from the Compatibility Matrix:

8. Ensure that the 'Standard CTI Enabled' and 'Standard CTI Allow Control of Phones supporting Connected Xfer and conf' and 'Standard CTI Allow Control of All Devices' is present in the RMCM user Roles. For Finesse, there will be additional roles created but the above should be sufficient for Agent Login.

9. Check the Max number of Calls and Busy Trigger is set to 2 and 1, respectively.

10. Ensure that we follow the Supported and Unsupported Configurations for Agent Phones and CUCM from the release notes:

- Content contributed by Arundeep Nagaraj and Jared Compiano, TAC Engineers

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