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Greeshma Bernad
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


After an upgrade from Cisco Unified Contact Center Express version 5.x to 7.x, the CAD users are getting the following error message every time they login.

Unable to download file. Could not open request.

However, upon clicking  the  "ok" button, users can login successfully.


Note: Try disabling the proxy to resolve the issue. Also, if the "Auto detect the proxy settings" is disabled, then you will not see this error message.

When ever the CAD application is launched it checks for the availability of newer version. CAD makes uses of True Update which is located at C:\Program Files\Cisco\Desktop\bin\update.exe

In order to avoid this error from happening, perform these steps before the upgrade:

  1. Uninstall the CAD/CSD.
  2. Download the installer from APPADMIN plugin page and install CAD/CSD.
  3. Rename the update file to updateold in the folder "C:\Program Files\COMMON FILES\CAD\bin\update.exe".

This article is sourced from the thread

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Althought the above wordaround will allow CAD to open, this will cause a mismatch of versions from CAD and UCCX. Update.exe needs to run to ensure that the versions are compatible between the server and the clients. You can perform the workaround however, you must rename the update.exe back to its orginal after an upgrade of the UCCX server. This will allow the client side to have the most recent updates to CAD and keep its compatibility. Update.exe uses http requests and should be allowed through either a proxy or firewall.

Level 4
Level 4

i alos faced same issue and after remove the proxy setting still my cad agent is showing failed option to downlaod updates...\\what can i do for it?


i already reinstall CAD application!

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