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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

Unable to access the Cisco Personal Communication Assistant (PCA) in Cisco Unity 4.x and the HTTP Status 404 - /ciscopca - Page can not be displayed error message appears.


This issue occurs due to corrupt or absent Cisco PCA files and applications, or when the World Wide Web (WWW) Publishing Server and Internet Information Server (IIS) Services are not started.

In order to resolve this issue, first make sure that the WWW Publishing Server and IIS Services are started. Then, complete these steps in order to restore the corrupt or absent Cisco PCA files and applications:

  1. On the Cisco Unity server, insert the Cisco Unity disc that contains the cscoserv directory.

    For example, for Cisco Unity 4.0(3), the cscoserv directory is on Cisco Unity DVD 1 and on Cisco Unity CD 2.

  2. Open a command prompt, and change to the DVD or CD-ROM drive.

  3. Enter cd cscoserv.

  4. Enter setup.js source=":\cscoserv\setup.msi" target=":\commserver".

    For example, if the DVD or CD-ROM drive is drive D and Cisco Unity is installed on drive C, enter:

    setup.js source="d:\cscoserv\setup.msi" target="c:\commserver"

  5. Wait a few minutes while the script runs.

    The cscoserv_script.log file is saved to the current user temporary file directory. For example, Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp. In order to observe the progress of the script, open the log file in a browser and refresh the browser periodically.

  6. When the script finishes, choose Programs > Administrative Tools > Services from the Microsoft Windows Start menu.

  7. Confirm that Apache Tomcat and the WWW Publishing Service are started. If not, restart them.
    It is not necessary to restart the Cisco Unity server in order to implement these changes.

Refer to the To Restore the Cisco PCA Files and Applications section of Cisco Personal Communications Assistant for more information.

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