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Level 11
Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: TEST S.p.A. on 21-01-2013 08:55:50 AM

I'm working on a modified version of the CallerInfoServer application. Everything was working well, but since we upgraded from CUCM 8.6 to 9.0, and now 9.1, I started to get this error when executing the application: Unable to create provider -- directory login timeout

Nothing was changed to the Java code or to the Application User Roles.

If it can be of any help finding the solution:
- sometimes (very few times) I don't get the error and the application runs correctly.
- if I restart the CTImanager on the CUCM, immediatly after the restart I don't get the error and the application runs correctly.
- when I manage to start correctly the application, everything works fine.
I'm currently developing the application, so I often need to stop it, modify and compile the new code, and then restart it. So restarting every time the CTImanager is not a good solution.

Can you help me?

Thank you very much, best regards
Denis Roman Fulin
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