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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

Unable to modify scripts or applications in IPCC Express, and when an attempt is made to modify an application with the Application Administrator, the "Server Reported error while loading the application.  Please check the log for details" error message appears

If the script is incorrect or corrupted, the Server Reported error while loading the application.  Please check the log for details error message appears when an attempt is made to modify an application with the Application Administrator.

Also, this error message appears when an attempt is made to refresh scripts with the Application Administrator:

The server was unable to reload applications.  The server was unable to reload scripts. Please make sure the engine is currently running and the engine configuration is correct.


In order to fix the problem, check the script thoroughly and, use Tools > Validate in the CRS Script editor in order to find the errors and correct them before the script is uploaded to the CRS server.

If everything looks good, complete these steps:

  1. Log on to the Cisco CallManager Publisher.
  2. Open Microsoft Windows Services.
  3. Restart the DC Directory Server service.

Refer to these documents for more information:

Customer Response Solution (CRS) Version

CRS 3.5

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