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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

If the Cisco Personal Communications Assistant (PCA) installation fails, or if someone inadvertently deletes some or all of the Cisco PCA files from the Cisco Unity server after installation, the Cisco PCA web pages may be defaced or become unusable. Virus incidents and attacks from hackers can cause the same problems.


If you have the Cisco Unity installation disks, you can restore corrupt or missing Cisco PCA files and applications by running an installation script at a command prompt. When you restore the Cisco PCA, the installation script removes any existing Cisco PCA-related files and applications, including the Tomcat service and its integration to the Internet Information Server (IIS).

Note: Do not use Add/Remove Programs to remove or repair the Cisco PCA files and applications.

If the Cisco PCA pages cannot be opened or have been defaced, restore the Cisco PCA files and applications by performing these steps:

  1. On the Cisco Unity server, insert the Cisco Unity disc that contains the cscoserv directory. 

    For example, for the Cisco Unity 4.0(3) release, the cscoserv directory is on Cisco Unity Digital Versatile Disc 1 (DVD 1) and on Cisco Unity CD 2.

  2. Open a command prompt and change to your DVD or CD-ROM drive.    

  3. Enter cd cscoserv.    

  4. Enter setup.js source=":\cscoserv\setup.msi" target=":\commserver"

    For example, if your DVD or CD-ROM drive is drive D and Cisco Unity is installed on drive C, enter setup.js source="d:\cscoserv\setup.msi" target="c:\commserver".

  5. Wait a few minutes while the script runs.      

    The cscoserv_script.log file is saved to the current user temporary file directory (for example, Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp). You can observe the progress of the script by opening the log file in a browser and refreshing the browser periodically.

  6. When the script has finished running, on the Windows Start menu, select Programs > Administrative Tools > Services.    

  7. Confirm that Tomcat and the World Wide Web Publishing Service are started. If not, restart them.    

    You do not need to restart the Cisco Unity server to implement your changes.

For additional information and procedures, refer to these documents:

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