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Level 7
Level 7





If you have upgraded from Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.x to 7.1(3), you will be unable to delete Bulk Administration phone templates that were created with the Cisco IP Manager Assistant. Instead, you will receive the following error:



"Update failed. [429] Security Profile is required for this device"





To diagnose the problem, run the following command from the command line :-



run sql select pkid, name, tkmodel, tkdeviceprotocol, fksecurityprofile from device where my_lower(name) in ('<template1 name>','<template2 name>','< template3 name>')



To fix the problem, run the following commands from the command line:-



run sql select pkid, name from securityprofile from device where tkmodel = <model from above> and tkdeviceprotocol = <protocol from above>



run sql update device set fksecurityprofile = '<security profile pkid from above>' where my_lower(name) in ('<template1 name>','<template2name>', '< template3 name>')



Adding or Updating SIP Dial Rules Causes Cisco TFTP Service to Rebuild All Phone Configuration Files



When you add or update a SIP dial rule in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, be aware that the Cisco TFTP service rebuilds all phone configuration files, which may cause CPU to spike on the server where the Cisco TFTP service runs, especially if you have a large system with many phones. To ensure that CPU does not spike, add or update the SIP dial rule during a maintenance window or temporarily stop the Cisco TFTP service in Cisco Unified Serviceability before you make the configuration change. If you stop the Cisco TFTP service, remember to restart the service in Cisco Unified Serviceability after you add or update the SIP dial rule



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