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Created by: Claudio Illanes on 28-02-2013 03:13:17 PM
I'm new to using Finesse and jQuery, and I've been tasked to build a Gadget as well as adjust the Finesse UI. I'm now comfortable with creating a gadget, but I'm not clear on how I can update the Finesse UI? I tried using CSS selectors to find and update textual links or button text in the main Finesse Desktop layout, but it doesn't seem to work from within the gadget. Is this currently possible? If so, can I get a simple example of how to perform a simple update of some button text, or move a button? I  tried $("#signout-text).text()  = 'test' but that didn't work.

Subject: RE: Updating Finesse 9.1.1 User Interface
Replied by: Claudio Illanes on 11-03-2013 11:08:44 AM
Claudio Illanes:
All, I'm new to using Finesse and jQuery, and I've been tasked to build a Gadget as well as adjust the Finesse UI. I'm now comfortable with creating a gadget, but I'm not clear on how I can update the Finesse UI? I tried using CSS selectors to find and update textual links or button text in the main Finesse Desktop layout, but it doesn't seem to work from within the gadget. Is this currently possible? If so, can I get a simple example of how to perform a simple update of some button text, or move a button? I  tried $("#signout-text).text()  = 'test' but that didn't work. Thanks! Claudio
Hi David et all, Is there any feedback on this question? Is it possible and permissible to update the Finesse UI components from a gadget? Thanks, Claudio

Subject: RE: Updating Finesse 9.1.1 User Interface
Replied by: David Lender on 12-03-2013 03:22:25 PM
There is no support for modifying the Finesse UI, either the desktop frame, or the Finesse gadgets.  You may create YOUR OWN gadgets using the supplied finesse javascript library, but modifying the Finesse gadgets is not supported.  David
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