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Level 10
Level 10


These are the internal Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) interfaces:

  • The Q interface is a Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)-based interface that connects to the Master Provisioning Data Store (MPDS). This interface is used by the Data Gateway (DGW) in order to make a connection to the MPDS.
  • The R interface is a CORBA-based interface that connects to the local Data Authority Server (DAS) within a site. All of the elements (such as Data Exchanger (DE), Edge Proxy (EP), Service Enginer(SE)) use this inferface to connect to DAS.
  • The D interface is a messaging interface that connects to the DE. The DE provides handsets and a third-party application with read-access to the data contained in the local DAS.

For more information, refer to the Data Gateway Interfaces section of the DGW Admin Guide.

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Voice applications  (CRS, PA, CCM Plugins, CER, CCC, MeetingPlace, etc.)

Voice Applications

Call Session Control Platform (CSCP)

Call Session Control Platform Products

TimesTen Data Authority Server (TTDAS)

Data Authority Server (DAS)

Data Exchanger (DE)

Data Gateway (DGW)

Master Provisioning Data Store (MPDS)

Service Engine (SE)

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