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This document describes procedures for migrating a TelePresence Management Suite (TMS) database application.


If using TMS Legacy Agents, be sure to first disable replication to all devices.

Shut down all TMS Windows services:

  • TMSAgentService
  • TMSDatabaseScannerService
  • TMSLiveService
  • TMSPLCMDirectoryService
  • TMSSchedulerService
  • TMSServerDiagnosticsService
  • TMSSNMPService

If using TMS Provisioning Extension, also shut down:

  • TMS Provisioning Extension
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Level 1

TMS Agent Backup and Restore: To migrate the Provisioning Directory users and groups configuration, a TMS Backup must be done on the old server, and a restore on the new one.

For the restore to work properly,  it is important that the LDAP Configuration password (see step 3.1)  in the new server is set to be the same as the old server, prior to the restore. 

  • If the passwords are different, the restore will be successful, but once the TMSAgentService is restarted for the credentials to take effect,  access to the provisioning directory will fail. Access to the OpenDS database will be also prevented, as shown by the failed TMS Agent diagnostics.
  • Keep in mind that attempts to change the LDAP password after the restore will fail.
  • You should do a backup of the TMS Agent right after the install (prior to the restore) so you can easily roll back to a plain working TMS Agent, should you encounter problems with the restore .
    Backups and restores are done at: Administrative Tools > Configuration > TMS Agent Settings

Note: The information above is based on a host migration and TMS upgrade from 13.1 to 13.2.2.

Anesh Ramauthar
Level 1
Level 1

Does the above process also work the same if you are migrating the database from a single instance to a SQL cluster environment?

Vernon Depee
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


The above process will work for most scenarios. However, a DBA may have specific requirements to their deployment that would need to be followed. As far as the TMS application portions are concerned, the behavior would be the same.

As for the actual SQL backend process, please contact your DBA for a list of what specific requirements apply to your environment.

Level 1
Level 1

Could you please advice if we need to replace the old server with a new (IP setting, server name, FQDN  will be same). At which moment should we physically replace the server and apply IP setting of old server to the new?

Sushant Sharma
Level 1
Level 1

Hi ,

Going to Migrate TMS but at the time of backup getting error please check the attached screenshot  and tell me any possible solution

Vernon Depee
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

The error means you do not have access writes to save the file. Please contact your Windows and SQL system administrators and they should be able to either find a more appropriate location for your backup or correct any permissions issues. This is not a TMS issue.


Additionally, the error message string you are seeing has over half a million hits on google. One of these links may explain the solution for the specific problem you are having.


information from upgrade+migration in one step. I migrate

from TMS 14.2.2 + TMSPE on Win 2008 x86 + SQL 2005

to  TMS 14.6 + TMSPE 1.4 on Win 2012 R2 + SQL 2012

after few bad attempts I try it simple and just backup both tmsng + tmspe db 2005 -> restore to db 2012 and then install TMS 14.6 and TMSPE 1.4. After installation run TMS tool and change hostname of server (domain remains the same) and it was all was it need. TMS is up and running and I was surprised how simple it is :)

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