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EIM v11.0(1) Auto Reply using a different alias other then the Workplan start point aliases? anyone done this before

Lee Walsh
Level 1
Level 1

Trying to set up a second alias in EIM that allow my AutoReply to use this 2nd alias. This 2nd alias is a and basically blocks inbound (reply) emails at the Exchange level. Currently in v11.0(1) I cannot seem to figure out how to use a second alias other than the Aliases created that the Start Point node.

I cannot find any other ICON on the Workplan editor palette that allow to you modify or point to another alias. OR are admins simply stuck using the start point aliases? Trying to prevent customers from replying to the AR message before their actual email is triaged. Causing some deal of confusion and multiple incident tickets in my call centre. 

Has anyone managed to do this?

1 Reply 1

sandeep chauhan
Level 1
Level 1

Hi Lee,

You can have only one default alias in a department and the replies are sent out from that Alias only.

and for auto-reply you can select various articles created in the KB to be sent.

So I don't think there is a way in the same department to create a second alias for just this auto-reply section.

However this can be achieved by creating a second department to deal with these kind of auto-responses\replies.


