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Supervisor Desktop spontaneously loses Team View

Hi All,

I have got UCCX 8.0.2 and Supevisor 8.0(2) Premium installed and working. A strange problem (or feature) was spotted on Supervisor desktop. We have only one Agents' Team configured in the system - Default. So when Supervisor loggs in he chooses the Default team in the drop-down list in "Select Team" drop-down list. When the Deafault team is selected the Supervisor can monitor calls all right. But after a short period Supervisor Desktop spontaneously drops the selected Default team and shows the blank screen with "Select Team" message in the team drop-down box. My undestanding is that as soon as Team is selected it must stay on the Supervisor desktop screen until it is de-selected. So I believe the behavior we have is wrong. Is it a bug of some kind? Or a feature? If it is a feature how it can be controlled (I could not find it anywhere myself)?

The Supervisor desktop is installed on Windows XP Professional SP3.

Thank you.

2 Replies 2

Nathan Gageby
Level 4
Level 4

Have you attempted to restart the chat service?

Adam Thompson
Level 4
Level 4

I have seen this issue when the UCCX server is not able to ping the workstations running Supervisor desktop. Basically, UCCX times out the connection and disconnects the supervisor. If this is what is happening, you should see some errors in the logs.

To verify, trying pinging the workstation from the UCCX server.

