Hi all,
We are trying to set up a kind of proactive chat with UCCX and SocialMiner. The idea is when a customer stays x seconds on a webpage, a web chat will be created with an agent. For this solution, we are creating a new contact in a SocialMiner campaign (which include a feed) using API call from the web page. The contact is correctly added to the campaign but the chat is never forwarded to agent ready on Cisco Finesse. A Chat notification has been created on SocialMiner but nothing seems to be send on the UCCX. The notification is using this API call: https://<uccx-server>/uccx-webservices/contact.
An agent can reply to the chat directly on SocialMiner but we would like to have a chat session started on Cisco Finesse. Does anyone knows how to perform this?
Thanks for help,