I'm trying to list all EPG's associated with a physical interface.
It's proving a little difficult because up until this point I've been able to use the API inspector in the GUI to find the relevant API endpoints.
The GUI appears to have no page that lists this sort of information, so the API inspector doesn't help too much.
I can go the opposite way and list all the interfaces associated with a particular EPG by going to:
Tenant>Application Profiles>{app-profile}>Application EPG's and then checking the 'Operational tab'.
API call:
https://{apic-IP-address}/api/node/mo/uni/{tenant}/{application profile}/{epg}.json?query-target=children&target-subtree-class=fvCEp&rsp-subtree=children&rsp-subtree-class=fvRsToVm,fvRsVm,fvRsHyper,fvRsCEpToPathEp,fvIp,fvPrimaryEncap&subscription=yes&order-by=fvCEp.mcastAddr|asc&page=0&page-size=15
But it would be useful to list all EPG's associated with an interface.
Has anyone else done this before? or know of some API calls to list this sort of information?