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APIC-EM PnP Option 43

Greetings all!

I'm setting up APIC-EM (version 1.5) and running into a problem with the PnP module(also 1.5). I've set my upstream switch as the dhcp server. My 2960-X switch (running c2960x-universalk9-mz.152-2.E6) is able to get an ip address, and shows initially that option 43 is found and starts the PnP auto discover when there is no config. But it seems like it contacts controller then is unable to get the request back. Below is an output of a pnp trace. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

Switch#sh pnp trace

[09/15/17 18:20:05.641 UTC 1 379] Info: Startup config does not exists

[09/15/17 18:20:05.641 UTC 2 379] start_pnpa_discovery: PnP Discovery trial number[1]

[09/15/17 18:20:05.641 UTC 3 379] start_pnpa_discovery: Initiating PnP discovery manager

[09/15/17 18:20:05.641 UTC 4 379] pnpa_discovery_autoinstall_pid_create: waiting for autoinstall

[09/15/17 18:20:59.083 UTC 5 379] pnpa_discovery_autoinstall_pid_create:Received autoinstall complete status

[09/15/17 18:21:04.085 UTC 6 379] pnpa_autonomic_discovery: Starting autonomic discovery

[09/15/17 18:21:04.085 UTC 7 379] pnpa_autonomic_discovery: Starting autonomic discovery

[09/15/17 18:21:09.086 UTC 8 379] pnpa_disc_dhcp_option_43: op43 strict protocol: Yes, must secure: No

[09/15/17 18:21:09.086 UTC 9 379] pnpa_disc_dhcp_option_43: op43 profile pnp-zero-touch

[09/15/17 18:21:09.086 UTC A 379] pnpa_disc_dhcp_option_43: op43 ipaddr X.X.X.X

[09/15/17 18:21:09.086 UTC B 379] pnpa_disc_dhcp_option_43: op43 transport 1

[09/15/17 18:21:09.086 UTC C 379] pnpa_disc_dhcp_option_43: transport http

[09/15/17 18:21:09.086 UTC D 379] pnpa_validate_port_type: Port is 80

[09/15/17 18:21:09.086 UTC E 379] pnpa_disc_dhcp_option_43: op43 port 80

[09/15/17 18:21:09.086 UTC F 379] pnpa_validate_ip_type: op43 iptype ipv4

[09/15/17 18:21:09.086 UTC 10 379] pnp_httpc_register: PnP httpc registered

[09/15/17 18:21:09.086 UTC 11 379] get_pnp_work_req_url: Port is 80

[09/15/17 18:21:09.086 UTC 12 379] pnp_httpc_send_get: url http://X.X.X.X:80/pnp/HELLO

[09/15/17 18:21:09.086 UTC 13 379] pnp_httpc_send_get: HTTP SEND SUCCESS

[09/15/17 18:21:30.089 UTC 14 269] pnp_resp_data: request status Connection time out

[09/15/17 18:21:30.089 UTC 15 269] pnp_resp_data: DATA ENDS HERE

[09/15/17 18:21:30.089 UTC 16 269] pnp_resp_data: status of this transaction is 0

[09/15/17 18:21:30.089 UTC 17 269] pnp_resp_data: Length of data handed over 0

[09/15/17 18:21:30.089 UTC 18 269] pnp_resp_data: session id       : 3

[09/15/17 18:21:30.089 UTC 19 269] pnp_resp_data: transaction id   : 1

[09/15/17 18:21:30.089 UTC 1A 269] pnp_resp_data: status_code      : 0

[09/15/17 18:21:30.089 UTC 1B 269] pnp_resp_data: status_string    :

[09/15/17 18:21:30.089 UTC 1C 269] pnp_resp_data: content_type     :

[09/15/17 18:21:30.089 UTC 1D 269] pnp_resp_data: content_encoding :

[09/15/17 18:21:30.089 UTC 1E 269] pnp_resp_data: content_length   : -1

[09/15/17 18:21:30.089 UTC 1F 269] pnp_resp_data: Location         :

[09/15/17 18:21:30.089 UTC 20 269] pnp_resp_data: Server           :

[09/15/17 18:21:30.089 UTC 21 269] pnp_resp_data: Data has not been cached

[09/15/17 18:21:30.089 UTC 22 379] pnp_httpc_send_get: HTTP send failed()

[09/15/17 18:21:40.089 UTC 23 379] pnp_httpc_send_get: url http://X.X.X.X:80/pnp/HELLO

I've tried putting the PnP profile in the 2960-X's config after it fails to connect to the controller. Below is it's output:

Config - pnp profile apic

              transport http ipv4 X.X.X.X port 80

Switch#sh pnp profile

Initiator Profile apic: 1 open connections: 0 closing connections

        Encap: pnp

        WSSE header is not required. Configured authorization level is 1

        Work-Request Tracking: Validation Yes, Total 1, SID=[-], Violation 0, PSR 0, PSB 0

                Pending-WR: X/M/R=0/0/0, UDI=[PID:WS-C2960X-24PS-L,VID:V05,SN:XXXXXXXXXX], SID=[-], Correlator=[CiscoPnP-1.0-1-167-88F9110-2]

        PnP Response Tracking: Retry-Allowed 0, Total 0

        PnP Backoff Time Tracking: Default 60, Current 0, Last 0

        Countdown: Security Unlock: S=0/F=0/T=0, Service Lock: S=0/F=0/T=0, Service Req Wait: S=0/F=0/T=51, Prxoy Req Wait S=1/F=0/T=52, Service Resp Ack: S=0/F=0/T=0

        Max message (RX) is 50 Kbytes

        XEP Faults are sent

        Idle timeout infinite

        Keepalive not configured

        Reconnect time 60 seconds

        Primary Transport:http to Host:-, IP:X.X.X.X, Port:80, Src-Intf:-, VRF:-, URL pnp/WORK-REQUEST

  Connected to the primary transport via http

  Remote connection via HTTP client.  URL http://X.X.X.X:80/pnp/WORK-REQUEST, post

  Established at 18:46:59.148 UTC Fri Sep 15 2017

         Tx 424 bytes (1 msg), Tx 0 errors,

         Last message sent at 18:46:59.148 UTC Fri Sep 15 2017

         Rx 0 bytes (0 msg), 0 empty msg

         Last message received at never


But after about 10 seconds it swaps and says no connection:

Switch#sh pnp profile

Initiator Profile apic: 0 open connections: 0 closing connections

        Encap: pnp

        WSSE header is not required. Configured authorization level is 1

        Work-Request Tracking: Validation Yes, Total 2, SID=[-], Violation 0, PSR 0, PSB 0

                Pending-WR: X/M/R=0/0/1, UDI=[PID:WS-C2960X-24PS-L,VID:V05,SN:XXXXXXXXXX], SID=[-], Correlator=[CiscoPnP-1.0-1-167-88F9110-2]

        PnP Response Tracking: Retry-Allowed 0, Total 0

        PnP Backoff Time Tracking: Default 60, Current 0, Last 0

        Countdown: Security Unlock: S=0/F=0/T=0, Service Lock: S=0/F=0/T=0, Service Req Wait: S=0/F=0/T=0, Prxoy Req Wait S=2/F=0/T=0, Service Resp Ack: S=0/F=0/T=0

        Max message (RX) is 50 Kbytes

        XEP Faults are sent

        Idle timeout infinite

        Keepalive not configured

        Reconnect time 60 seconds

        Primary Transport:http to Host:-, IP:X.X.X.X, Port:80, Src-Intf:-, VRF:-, URL pnp/WORK-REQUEST

  Not connected, next reconnect attempt in 15 seconds

1 Reply 1

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Bradley,

Some basic clarification questions.

  1. Can you ping APIC-EM from the 2960-x?
  2. Are you using vlan1 for connection
  3. Which interface on the switch is connected to the upstream network
  4. Do you have a pre-defined rule for the device on APIC-EM, or are you using unclaimed device workflow?
