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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

The NSO Config Monitor is targeted to discover and report unmanaged device configurations
as well as configuration changes that were introduced outside of NSO. It is designed to work as plug-in package named config-monitor, which can be installed and used in customer based NSO installations.

The config-monitor package includes: inspect config action and operational data. The inspect config action performs two independent tasks:

1. Performs 'sync-from verbose dry-run' NSO action and builds:
    - Device configuration differences between NSO and actual device (diff).
    - Part of the device configuration that is not covered by NED model (unmanaged).

2. Based on current state of CDB calculates:
    - Part of the device configuration that belong to deployed services (automated).
    - Part of the device configuration that does not belong to any services (non-automated).
    - Composes HTML webpage that displays device configuration, where non-automated lines are colored in red.

Operational data represent history of stats collected during device configuration inspections.

The package is publicly available on GitLab for download and trial.

You comments and recommendations are highly appreciated.

Yan Gorelik

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