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Nicklas Wagerth
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Winter still has Scandinavia in a firm grip, but the sun is starting to make its presence known as days are getting longer and lighter. Spring is coming and we are excited that the NSO Developer Days event is fast approaching. Daylight will be at its peak at the time of the event, giving us all the energy we need to get the most out of the three days of packed agenda.

It is great to see the high level of interest from the developer community to attend and present at the event. The team is now working hard to make sure we provide an awesome set of topics towards the finalized agenda. Based on the feedback so far, we believe the experience will be time well spent and there will be plenty of opportunities to connect and share at the event and in the future on the NSO Developer Hub!

First of all, we are very happy to announce that Colin Kincaid, our CTO will open NSO Developer Days and talk to his views on NSO and its role in the bigger picture for Cisco and for the industry. We are working on lining up more keynote speakers and will have more to say about the event over the coming weeks.

We also want to share some of the focus areas that we are working on for this year’s agenda:

  • Based on feedback from last year, we have made additional time for experienced users sharing best practices. We are planning daily sessions with NSO practitioners on stage elaborating on success criteria and how challenges have been managed to navigate the automation journey
  • We introduce a deep dive on the role of the service developer professional. This is a role that is emerging in many organizations with an orchestration framework like NSO in the house. And the demands they face with new ways of working and organization challenges around them
  • Our global support engineering team will share stories from how they deal with issues from the field 24/7 to keep you in lock-step with the service demand
  • We are also set up to share the vision we have for NSO and adjacent technologies including an expert panel discussion
  • We are introducing a "meet the engineer" forum. If you have some questions about issues you want to discuss with a core engineer, this will be the time to bring it.
  • We are planning to give some stage time to our partners and system integrators. A panel debate will shed some light on the importance of having an ecosystem with not only technologies but also people that understand your business
  • A new feature we will be testing during the event this year is hands-on labs. We are opening up a limited number of lab seats in our close-by office on the last day of the event. The lab session will focus on our Core Function Packs (such as vBranch) and how these can help accelerate development of virtual services to successful production deployment. We are offering the lab seats on a first come first serve basis, so please make sure you register early if you want to reserve a seat.

As for social events, we think we are ready to outdo ourselves this year. We will keep the boat tour and dinner in the archipelago on the agenda based on very strong feedback from last year. If you attended last year you know what that means. With the support from our partners, we have gone overboard and added a second evening event as a continuation of the maritime theme. We will be dining at the Vasa Museum having the oldest lady in town at the table. See for more details.

See you all in Stockholm in June!

//NSO team

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