Scott Barvick, CTO North America, Data Ductus
This session was only presented at the Virtual event.
Link To Recording
As you build out a test framework for your NSO projects, you might get the sense that you have something more than a set of tests to run when you update your service code, NEDs, or even NSO itself. In this session we will explore how you can use your test framework to do so much more than just test with it; you can leverage the device connectivity, state access, and configuration management methods that are the basis of the test methods to perform many basic network automation functions that will save you operations time as well as increase network quality. A demonstration of these concepts including a REST API around basic Robot functions will provide a concrete example of what is possible.
About the Speaker
Scott is CTO North America for Data Ductus. He has been developing software and solutions for service providers since the early days of routing and he continues to be directly involved in delivering customer solutions today. He has seen both the solution provider and customer sides of NSO as a customer of NCS in 2012 before the acquisition by Cisco. As a customer, he lobbied for the development of a community platform like what we now have now with Developer Days and the NSO Developer Hub so he is excited to see its growth and is always happy to give back to the community.