09-14-2017 10:22 AM - edited 03-01-2019 04:20 AM
A lot of what is covered here is also covered by this video: NSO-project - YouTube
The ncs-project tool is bundled with NSO and can be used to create a new project:
# ncs-project create my-project
Creating directory: /Users/frjansso/tmp/my-project
Using NCS found in /Users/frjansso/dev/nso-
wrote project to /Users/frjansso/tmp/my-project
that generates a directory structure where NSO can be run:
# find my-project
# cd my-project
# ncs-project update -v -y
ncs-project: installing packages...
ncs-project: installing packages...ok
ncs-project: resolving package dependencies...
ncs-project: resolving package dependencies...ok
ncs-project: determining build order...
ncs-project: determining build order...ok
ncs-project: determining ncs-min-version...
ncs-project: determining ncs-min-version...ok
# make all start
(for i in ; do \
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make -C packages/${i}/src all || exit 1; \
if [ ! -d ncs-cdb ]; then mkdir ncs-cdb; fi
if [ ! -d init_data ]; then mkdir init_data; fi
cp init_data/* ncs-cdb/. > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
ncs --stop || true
connection refused (stop)
So now we have NSO running in this directory, not very interesting since we don't have any packages yet.
This project should be checked into git
# git init .
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/frjansso/tmp/my-project/.git/
Now there are a bunch of files we don't want to check in, e.g. the files in logs, ncs-cdb and in state, I typically solve this using .gitignore files.
A simple such file looks like:
Which tells git to ignore all files but the .gitignore files itself.
So let's create such files in logs, ncs-cdb and in state
# echo "*\n\!.gitignore" | tee logs/.gitignore ncs-cdb/.gitignore state/.gitignore
ncs-project also generates setup.mk files, I don't want to check those in to git either, so I'll create a .gitignore in the top directory to ignore those:
# echo "setup.mk*" >> .gitignore
And now we add the other files to git.
# git add .
# git status
On branch master
No commits yet
Changes to be committed:
(use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
new file: .gitignore
new file: Makefile
new file: README.ncs
new file: logs/.gitignore
new file: ncs-cdb/.gitignore
new file: ncs.conf
new file: project-meta-data.xml
new file: state/.gitignore
new file: test/Makefile
new file: test/internal/Makefile
new file: test/internal/lux/Makefile
new file: test/internal/lux/basic/Makefile
new file: test/internal/lux/basic/run.lux
new file: test/pkgtest.env
# git commit -am "Initial commit"
A project isn't very interesting w/o any packages.
To add a local package I'll go to the packages directory and use the ncs-make-package tool
# cd packages
# ncs-make-package --service-skeleton template my-service
# git add my-service
# cd ..
To add it to the build system, I'll edit project-meta-data.xml to include my-service as a local package:
I'll run ncs-project again to get the change and then build everything:
# ncs-project update -y
# make all
(for i in my-service; do \
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make -C packages/${i}/src all || exit 1; \
mkdir -p ../load-dir
/Users/frjansso/dev/nso- `ls my-service-ann.yang > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo "-a my-service-ann.yang"` \
-c -o ../load-dir/my-service.fxs yang/my-service.yang
if [ ! -d ncs-cdb ]; then mkdir ncs-cdb; fi
if [ ! -d init_data ]; then mkdir init_data; fi
cp init_data/* ncs-cdb/. > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
# ncs_cli -u admin -C
admin connected from using console on FRJANSSO-M-C1DA
admin@ncs# packages reload
>>> System upgrade is starting.
>>> Sessions in configure mode must exit to operational mode.
>>> No configuration changes can be performed until upgrade has completed.
>>> System upgrade has completed successfully.
reload-result {
package my-service
result true
Let's say I want to reuse another package in git, e.g. the IP address allocator:
Again I edit project-meta-data.xml:
# ncs-project update -v
ncs-project: installing packages...
ncs-project: found local installation of "my-service"
ncs-project: updating package ipaddress-allocator...
ncs-project: Running "cd /Users/frjansso/tmp/my-project/packages/ipaddress-allocator; git rev-parse --show-toplevel".
ncs-project: cd /Users/frjansso/tmp/my-project/packages/ipaddress-allocator
ncs-project: git stash # (to save any local changes)
ncs-project: git checkout -q "master"
ncs-project: git fetch
ncs-project: git reset --hard origin/master
ncs-project: updating package ipaddress-allocator...done
ncs-project: installing packages...ok
ncs-project: resolving package dependencies...
ncs-project: checking dependencies for "ipaddress-allocator"
ncs-project: found dependency "nso-util"
ncs-project: found dependency "resource-manager"
ncs-project: git clone "ssh://git@stash.tail-f.com/pkg/resource-manager.git" "/Users/frjansso/tmp/my-project/packages/resource-manager"
ncs-project: git checkout -q "master"
ncs-project: git clone "ssh://git@stash.tail-f.com/pkg/nso-util.git" "/Users/frjansso/tmp/my-project/packages/nso-util"
ncs-project: git checkout -q "master"
ncs-project: checking dependencies for "nso-util"
ncs-project: checking dependencies for "resource-manager"
ncs-project: checking dependencies for "my-service"
ncs-project: resolving package dependencies...ok
ncs-project: determining build order...
ncs-project: determining build order...ok
ncs-project: determining ncs-min-version...
ncs-project: determining ncs-min-version...ok
# ls packages
ipaddress-allocator my-service nso-util resource-manager
as you can see, ncs-project pulls all the dependencies needed as well
# make all
# ncs_cli -u admin -C
admin@ncs# packages reload
>>> System upgrade is starting.
>>> Sessions in configure mode must exit to operational mode.
>>> No configuration changes can be performed until upgrade has completed.
>>> System upgrade has completed successfully.
reload-result {
package ipaddress-allocator
result true
reload-result {
package my-service
result true
reload-result {
package nso-util
result true
reload-result {
package resource-manager
result true
When building the packages you will get a bunch of generated files, .class, .jar, .fxs etc. Typically you don't want to check these into git, use .gitignore files to fix this.
If I run git status, I'll see this:
# git status
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
I don't want to version control the external packages here (they have their own repo), so I'll update my .gitignore:
# echo "packages/ipaddress-allocator" >> .gitignore
# echo "packages/nso-util" >> .gitignore
# echo "packages/resource-manager" >> .gitignore
Great content
Thank you Fredrik -
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