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Qiese Dides
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee



This article will help you understand the steps on how to download the UCS licenses from the Cisco Systems website and then installing it on the UCS. The redacted (blue lines) just covers up certain numbers for privacy please do not take them into consideration.


Problem Description


Customers often buy PAK/Tokens and do not know how to convert them to licenses and then download and install them on the UCS-M. This document will give you a step by step approach on how to do this.  



Customer purchased a PAK/Token and wants to retrieve and install their license in UCS-M. Each step has an image below which explains it in a step by step procedure.


  1.  We need to get the Serial numbers of both the Fabric Interconnects you want add the licenses to. This can be acquired by logging into your UCS-M domain going to the Equipment Tab then clicking Fabric Interconnect A and Fabric Interconnect B. The images below show where the Serial ID number is located in this view.





   2. Ask the Customer to Navigate to the Product License Registration page. (This is under Tools & Resources within their Cisco ID).


    3. Once at this page if you click the PAKs/Tokens screen you will be presented with the image listed below. This shows the Tokens that are available and the ones that are used. The available ones which are highlighted can generate new licenses.




    4. When you scroll over PAK/Token ID an option will appear (image of 3 bars) that you can click and a mini window appears for that ID. This is shown in the image below




    5. Once you are on that screen you will click the “Get New Licenses” button. This will then take you to the page shown in the image below.
    6. Once you are on that page you will go ahead and click the Next Button and the next page will load. Below is the image of the next screen, here is where you would put the Serial Number of the Fabric Interconnect you want to add the licenses to, we acquired those Serial numbers in Step 1.

Step 2 Downloading.PNG

    7. Once you enter your Serial you will be prompted to enter an email in which the license can be sent to and the CCO ID attached to this account. Once you click on the I Agree with Terms of the License Agreement button and hit submit it will prompt you a link to download the license and will notify you that it has also been sent to your email. This is shown in the image below.




    8. Now once you do those for all those licenses that were previously unfulfilled, the Pak’s/TOKENS section of the Product License Registration will now show as fulfilled. This is shown below;


    9. Another way to download the Licenses when you have fulfilled the Token is to click on the License Tab and as shown in the picture below if you scroll over the License ID you want to download and click the 3 bar icon a drop down menu will appear. You would proceed on clicking Download License, this is shown below.
    10. Once you have all those installed I recommend you unzipping the files and putting the .lic file on your desktop. When that is done you now need to log-in to your UCS-M GUI. Once there you will click on the Admin tab and either Filter the License Management or scroll to the very bottom and expand the License Management Tab. This is shown in the image below;



    11. Now click on the Fabric Interconnect you want to import those specific licenses to and then go to the Download License Files Tab. Once their click the Download License icon, which will propagate a page in which you will search for your .lic file. Earlier I put it on the desktop to avoid a possible error when having spaces in the path of your .lic file. The error is shown below in pictures.



  • This is the Error I was talking about which is solved by putting the .LIC file on your desktop (Shown Below).





  • This is the successful message you get when applying it correctly (shown below).


    12. After that is successful. We will go to the Downloaded License File Tab, left click the license file we just added and then select the Install License button. This will install the license and then validate it which is shown in the steps below.



  • When installed it goes from Validated to Installed (Shown Below).





    13. Now all your licenses have been installed. However you may encounter an error shown in the image below:


Critical Error UCS.PNG


  • This states that the cause to critical error is the license-graceperiod-expired reason. To clear this fault please go to the following link which gives you a step by step guide on how to clear it.

Level 1
Level 1

Sure! Here's a shorter version:

To download and install UCS licenses on the UCS, follow these steps:

  1. Obtain the Serial numbers of the Fabric Interconnects from your UCS-M domain.
  2. Visit the Product License Registration page in your Cisco ID.
  3. Generate new licenses from available Tokens.
  4. Download the licenses and save the .lic file on your desktop.
  5. Log in to UCS-M GUI, go to the Admin tab, and access License Management.
  6. Import the licenses for the desired Fabric Interconnect and validate them.
  7. Install the licenses and ensure successful installation.
  8. Refer to the provided link for troubleshooting any critical errors related to license expiration.

Hope this helps!

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