Currently, Nexus1000V (all NX-OS platforms) does not allow to combine Ingress and Egress rules in one single ACL rule.
User has to explicitly specify Ingress and Egress rules separately, this will allow user to have better flexibility
in terms of filtering traffic in each direction. Going back to your question
or is it possible to allow http traffic (run browser applications) from my VM with single rule in ACL.
It depends upon on the ACL configuration on ports that traffic flows through.
For example, if user already configured ACL configurations which allows only
http traffic in inbound direction from upstream ports, then second rule is not needed , if this VM
receives http traffic only from upstream ports.
If the http traffic flow is possible among the VMs with in a host (inter VM http traffic), configuring
ACL (Ingress & Egress) rules on VM's interface is needed.
Depending on the ingress and egress traffic flow (inter VM traffic and to/from upstream network),
user can plan and potentially condese the ACL rules configured on the system.